Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Arapahoe/Douglas Works!
Maresa was looking for a meaningful career path but was having difficulty trying to explore and accomplish her goals on her own.
Workforce Solution
Maresa was enrolled into the WIOA Young Adult program. Working with her Career Support Specialist, they designed a set of goals and outlined the steps needed to achieve those goals. It started with Maresa obtaining her driver's license and taking workshops on career exploration, resume writing, interviewing, and interviewing. Maresa practiced with her Career Support Specialist and updated her portfolio in preparation for interviews - she states this increased her level of confidence. Maresa also completed a career assessment that highlighted her natural abilities.
Outcomes & Benefits
Maresa was able to obtain an internship. The internship proved to be a perfect fit for her as the company's mission and goals aligned with Maresa's own. Participating in a paid internship also increased her confidence and as a result, Maresa was offered a full-time position with her internship site. She is now more independent and has moved into her own apartment. She is so happy with her job. One added benefit is Maresa is able to utilize her Spanish language skills and can assist others who are Spanish speaking. A Workforce success story that took place in under a year!