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Colorado - Ty

August 25, 2021

Workforce Challenge

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Denver Economic Development & Opportunity
20-year-old Ty had some significant struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although independent prior to COVID, he lost his job and his ability to keep his apartment. He lived in various motels throughout Denver - essentially homeless and out of work. So he connected with one of Denver's out-of-school youth providers, Ability Connection Colorado. Although he was able to move in with his grandparents, concern for their health created additional challenges to his search for employment. 

Workforce Solution

Ty worked with his case manager to achieve his first and most important goal: to find employment and stabilize his housing situation. Ty's case manager assisted with his job search efforts, helping Ty connect initially with a job earning $18.75/hour. Throughout the economic turmoil caused by COVID-19, Ty's hours varied, but he and his case manager continued their job search efforts, which led to a series of progressively more stable positions that each paid wages higher than the previous job. Throughout the process, Ty's case manager connected Ty with resources and and provided supports to help him in the long term.

Outcomes & Benefits

Ty's housing situation has stabilized and he has been working full-time for a national food service distributor earning $25/hour. He now has more confidence in his future beyond the stability of a steady position and income. He has also expressed interest in taking a more active role in exploring his long-term career interests and determining his long-term goals and opportunities.
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