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Colorado - Jeremey

August 26, 2021

Workforce Challenge

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Employment Services of Weld County

Jeremy, a disabled veteran from post-September 11, 2021 suffering from PTSD. He needed help finding full-time employment and was referred to Employment Services of Weld County (ESWC) from Northern Colorado Veterans Resource Center (NCVRC) and local area Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Representative. Jeremy and his wife, a stay-at-home mom, have two children in the home. Jeremy’s case manager observed a quiet and reserved demeanor in initial meetings. Jeremy seemed unsure of himself and didn’t have any direction for his future employment goals. 

Workforce Solution

Jeremy was enrolled into the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program and Weld Project Salute, a Veterans Service-to-Career Program (VSCP). His case manager assigned several assessments, Comprehensive, Interest/Aptitude, and Soft Skills, which showed an aptitude to business and protection settings. His case manager placed him at a worksite with the NCVRC as a community navigator.
Outcomes and Benefits: Jeremy has excelled while at NCVRC. He is learning about the veteran and community resources that are available to help other veterans in need. Jeremy gained confidence in himself and it shows in his outgoing demeanor. NCVRC hired Jeremy in a full-time position as a lead navigator. 

Outcomes & Benefits

Jeremy has excelled while at NCVRC. He is learning about the veteran and community resources that are available to help other veterans in need. Jeremy gained confidence in himself and it shows in his outgoing demeanor. NCVRC hired Jeremy in a full-time position as a lead navigator. 
Testimonial: “When Jeremy first started, he was very shy and kept to himself. We could tell that Jeremy was a little nervous doing case management. Over the past five months we have seen a total transformation in him. He is now confident as a case manager; his work ethic and problem-solving skills have landed Jeremy the lead navigation role with us. He is a leader in the office and rarely needs to be told what to do. Jeremy has turned in to our most reliable employee and we consider ourselves lucky to have him.”

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