Young homeless woman leverages WIA funds to attend Las Artes school, attain her GED, enroll in part-time college and find a full-time job.
Courtney is 20 years old, almost 21 she’s quick to tell those who ask her her age. She’d been out of school since she was 16, a good four years before she came to Las Artes. She’d been homeless for two years, working odd jobs to make just enough money to get by day to day and staying with one friend after another–or “couch surfing” as she refers to it.
Courtney lost her mom to an automobile accident when she was eleven years old. She soon became estranged from her father. She says throughout her late childhood there were people in her life that cared for her, but no one that really cared. She goes on to explain that she was fed and sheltered, but not given life skills as a pre-adolescent and then as a teenager. No one taught her about the importance of education, or about making good life choices, or even about taxes.