Tim Newby, DART Vice President of Transportation, described the challenges and actions taken: “DART had been struggling for more than a year to attract and retain adequate numbers of qualified applicants for its SmartBus Operator position. Workforce Solutions brought together a team that included partners from Dallas County Community College District and the Texas Veterans Commission to work with DART’s Transportation and Human Capital staff to develop creative business solutions to address this Issue. As a result of new processes and tools that have been put into place, DART has experienced a 150% increase in the number of new bus operators who have been hired. We continue to build our partnership with Workforce Solutions to help us focus on recruiting and development issues relative to other front-line positions.” Specific strategies included the following: • To address recruitment challenges, WFSDallas identified an alternative assessment to that used by DART that focused on the actual skills necessary for job success. Proctored by Workforce staff, 510 individuals were assessed. 89.2% of applicants passed the assessment which increased the pass rate by 16%.
• To improve the quality of the applicant pool, WFSDallas used expert staff to provide additional applicant screening which reduced the number of unqualified applicants who would be lost due to failing the physical, drug test, or background check. This step enabled DART to improve the quality of its applicant pool with a contingent hiring rate of 93%.
• To address literacy gaps, WFSDallas partnered with the Texas Department of Public Safety and Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) to create a workplace literacy course to enhance the applicant’s ability to comprehend the necessary information needed to pass the CDL Passenger Endorsement Permit. Thus far, 89 applicants have received training in preparation of the CDL Passenger Endorsement Permit exam enabling DART to increase its Bus Driver Onboarding Training from a class average of 10 new hires per class to 25 new hires per class!
• To address inadequate facility availability, WFSDallas used a workforce center for mass assessments and interviewing. We extended business hours in the center to 10:00 PM so that Hiring Managers could meet with DART applicants resulting in 374 candidates being interviewed with 348 contingent offers.
• To fulfill DART’s commitment to meet its veteran hiring goals, WFSDallas and Texas Veterans Commission doubled efforts to refer veteran job seekers to DART for priority in hiring. Over the past 9 months, DART has hired 145 entry level Bus Operators, 15 of whom were veterans.