Out of School Youth

Colorado - Out of School Youth

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Mesa County Workforce Center

Workforce Challenge

Youth with past justice charges, sporadic low-demand self-employment, and lack of formal training came to the workforce center seeking assistance finding employment.

Workforce Solution

Youth was connected to WIOA YT program which assisted by connecting him with a local employer for a paid Work Experience. 

Outcomes & Benefits

By the time his internship was completed the employer felt they needed him permanently for the 
position. He was hired on full time earning $13.00. 

He states "My time working though the Kickstart program has been a gateway to a career I see myself in for years to come. Their program was efficient and flexible enough to work through all the in’s an out’s of finding me a perfect position, setting me up with the training and resources that I needed, and providing me with all the support I could have needed to succeed. I found the agent I was working with to be very understanding of my wants and needs for obtaining the perfect job for me and more than happy to put in the extra mile to find a good fit. I was impressed by the immense amount of leg work that they put in for me, always willing to lend a helping hand and more than happy to do whatever it took to connect me with potential employers. Through the help of the Kickstart program, I was expecting to get a decent job, but they helped me find the career of my dreams."
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