Workforce Innovation Submitted By: The Oregon Workforce Alliance
Community Challenge/Problem
Rural Oregon has great potential to grow and develop green jobs. However, our network of community colleges (seven in a 24-county area) was struggling to get educational programs off the ground that would attract investors and prove that rural Oregon has the talent pool, skills and abilities to support any new jobs that their companies would create in the area.
Board Solution/Innovation
Through the State Energy Sector Partnership grant, the Oregon Workforce Alliance helped its rural colleges develop an online platform for the collaborative delivery of training related to green and "greening" occupations. The certificate program is delivered 100% online, allowing any student in the state to register with a participating college and fully engage in all courses. Courses are taught by the collection of colleges using several different platforms and the full array of web based tools including video, video-streaming, and chat.
Outcomes & Results
Working with a consortia of 10 colleges that cover nearly the entire state, the Oregon Workforce Alliance has successfully launched the Oregon Green Technology Certificate. The certificate was developed to address increasing demand of business and industry across Oregon and the nation for workers with knowledge regarding sustainability, "green" technology and processes. 120 students are currently enrolled in the 1-year certificate program, with 120 slated for enrollment in upcoming semesters.