Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Workforce Development Molokai Office
Workforce Challenge
After 12 years working full-time as a Housekeeping Manager for Molokai Ranch Ltd., Theresa was laid off due to business closure. She knew that finding a new job would be a challenge, as historically, Molokai has the highest rate of unemployment in the State of Hawaii. Molokai is the fifth largest Hawaiian Island, with a population of approx. 7500. Although there are few jobs, many residents choose to stay because of the lifestyle: rural, simple, family oriented, and peaceful; they learn to "make-do" just like life in the good old days.
Workforce Solution
The Molokai Workforce Development Office (WDD) focused on Theresa's passion: working and caring for animals, horses, dogs and cats. An employment training plan was designed in partnership with the Molokai Humane Society to train her as a Veterinarian Assistant. In addition to training on the job, WIA funds also paid for tuition to Penn Foster Career School for her to obtain a certificate as a Veterinarian Assistant. Visiting veterinarians from neighbor islands trained Theresa in a trailer-style clinic located near the Molokai airport. This site provides services to residents in the event of an emergency.
Outcomes & Benefits
Today, Theresa trains volunteers, assists visiting veterinarians and operates the clinic on a daily basis. She has successfully completed training with the Molokai Humane Society and Penn Foster Career School and is now employed by the Molokai Humane Society.
Workforce Investment Act funding has helped immensely in all directions: Theresa returned to work; Molokai Humane Society has a trained person to operate its site; and the people of Molokai and their pets are now able to receive services without leaving the island -- a win-win for everyone!