Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Middle Georgia Consortium, Inc.
Workforce Challenge
When Tammy married she felt she was leaving her life of poverty behind. Unfortunately, when the economy took a dive in February 2006, her husband was laid off from his construction job and they were forced to make a tough decision to downsize much of what they owned so he could go back to school. Then in February 2008, Tammy received the news that she was also being laid off from her job. She did not know where to turn and felt very uncertain about her future.
Workforce Solution
Through Middle Georgia Consortium, Tammy received counseling on the options that were available to her as a dislocated worker. WIA funding could help her finish her degree, but Tammy was unsure about going back to school. She had to decide between finishing her education now that she had access to monetary support, or attempt to find another job which may or may not have benefits. Ultimately, Tammy needed a job with good benefits, and she chose to increase her chances of doing so by attending Macon State College to finish her degree in Business Management. While in school, Tammy's husband had two emergency heart surgeries, further driving home the importance of finding employment that offered medical benefits.
Outcomes & Benefits
Tammy finished Macon State College in the top five percent of her class. She is currently working in the 638 Supply Chain Management Section at Robins Air Force Base as a GS-7 with a projected promotion to GS-9 in June 2011. She is making around $36,000 as a GS-7 and her projected salary at a GS-9 will be approximately $48,000. Tammy stated, "All this was possible because of the opportunities that were available to me through the Middle Georgia Consortium."