Meet Robert

Colorado - Meet Robert

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Arapahoe/Douglas Works!

Workforce Challenge

Robert was laid from his job of 5 years in the medical field. Robert was also having marital problems that caused him to suffer from depression. He found himself living with family while going through divorce proceedings. Client's goals included finding employment and going back to school for either Paramedic or law enforcement training. Client faced the following barriers: 
1. Mental health concerns 
2. Needing transportation assistance 
3. Needing additional education 
4. Assistance in improving employability skills

Workforce Solution

The following were steps taken by client and his Workforce Specialist (WFS) to overcome challenges: 
1. WFS provided client with referral information to Aurora Mental Health to address mental health concerns. 
2. WFS provided client with information to obtain career assessments to identify potential career paths. The resources provided to client included information on O*Net for career assessments (and how to use the assessments), and Colorado's List of Training Providers. 
3. Client decided that he would like to complete a degree in Law Enforcement Administration as that would allow him to find secure employment as either a Sheriff's Deputy or Police Officer. 
4. Once client identified his career goals, we worked together in creating an education plan. Client was provided with a Training Request Package and contact information for ADW!'s TABE Instructor. 
5. Client was referred by WFS to ADW!'s Employability Skills workshops, including resume and interview workshops. 
6. Transportation assistance in the form of gas vouchers. 
7. EF provided the education and training funds for client to start summer classes that would go towards completing his AA in Law Enforcement Administration. 
8. Client was referred to hiring events, including Employment First Health and Wellness Job Fair.

Outcomes & Benefits

1. Client started classes at Aurora Community College 
2. Client was provided with transportation assistance to be able to go to interviews. 
3. Robert obtained employment with United Airlines. He is going to be working part-time while going to school. 
4. EF will continue to work with client while he continues to work in achieving education goals. 
5. Client is on waiting list for Aurora Mental Health services
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