Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Career Services
Workforce Challenge
Luna visited the Workforce Center due to a notice he was profiled for an RESEA/UI appointment. He had been interviewing for positions in his field, but he was not quite comfortable on how to answer some of the questions that had been coming up. This has resulted in no job offers. Luna is an engineer in the construction field.
Workforce Solution
During the Luna's visit to the workforce center, I was able to provide him with current customized labor market information for the construction engineering field. I reviewed his registration to ensure that his information was up to date and appropriate for the type of work he was seeking. We discussed what information he needed to keep track of to stay in compliance with his UI benefits. We discussed interview tips and possible responses to the difficult questions he has been receiving during interviews. We discussed other ways he can be prepared for untraditional interview questions. Luna left saying he felt more comfortable and prepared with the interview tips he received today for his next interview.
Outcomes & Benefits
Luna contacted me to let me know he is now employed and making the salary of a full-time construction engineer. He expressed his gratitude to me and the workforce for the interviewing tips and the other career information he received to help him become successful.