Meet Kevin

New Hampshire - Meet Kevin

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: New Hampshire Office of Workforce Opportunity

Workforce Challenge

Kevin is a dislocated worker who worked for 13 years at a leather manufacturing company and was laid off when the company closed in October, 2008. There, he had worked as a "color wheel operator", earning $15.12 an hour. This was a very specific position for which there was not an immediate labor market need in the Seacoast area where Kevin lives.

Workforce Solution

Because his company closed, the laid-off workers were offered enrollment into the ARRA-funded National Emergency Grant project at his local NH Works office. Through funds from the grant, Kevin received career counseling, resume assistance and job search advice.

Outcomes & Benefits

Kevin interviewed and was hired for a position with National Gypsum Company in Portsmouth NH for 40 hours a week earning $18.79 an hour, a considerable achievement given the current state of the economy and the lack of manufacturing jobs in the area.
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