Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Kansas WorkforceONE
Workforce Challenge
Kandi was a dislocated worker due to an office closing in Hays. Kansas WorkforceONE provided Rapid Response assistance and met with Kandi quickly after she found out about the layoff. Kandi is a family of one and needed to replace her current income. Kandi also needed assistance with monthly bills and rent.
Workforce Solution
Kansas WorkforceONE (KWF1) referred Kandi to Harvest America, a partner service in Hays that could provide rental assistance to surrounding counties, including the one where Kandi lives.
As well, KWF1 provided Kandi with resume and job search and placement assistance, including area leads and assisting Kandi with the unemployment and job seeking process.
Outcomes & Benefits
Kansas WorkforceONE had a lead with LINK, a company similar to the one that she was laid off from, which also helps people with independent living. LINK was quickly trying to find someone with a specific skill set that Kandi had. KWF1 immediately referred Kandi, who quickly applied, earned the interview and got the job as a bookkeeper. Kandi loves her job and has earned multiple raises in her first year of employment.