Meet Jamie

Oregon - Meet Jamie

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Incite Inc

Workforce Challenge

Jamie struggled in school even during middle school and became pregnant her freshman year of high school. She tried to attend school while raising her child but even online courses were difficult to manage. Jamie enrolled in the Teen Parent Program through Chemeketa and started excelling in school.

Workforce Solution

Unfortunately, at the last minute, she was unable to complete the state standards Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills exams due to a medical emergency. Her teachers encouraged her to take the National Career Readiness Certificate exam (NCRC) to satisfy the math requirements for her high school diploma which she did.

Outcomes & Benefits

Jamie is currently enrolled in the Early College High School Program, a five year program that will give her an associates degree as well as her high school diploma. She is happy to have the opportunity to participate in these programs and to have taken the NCRC which she believes will offer her more opportunities to succeed. She is planning to include her NCRC Certificate on her resume in order to obtain a weekend job to help earn money to support her family.
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