Meet IMM

Michigan - Meet IMM

Workforce Success Story Submitted By:Northeast Michigan Consortium Michigan Works!

Workforce Challenge

In their daily operations, IMM fabricates large pieces of steel. Certain jobs require that steel to be painted, which involves hoisting it up by an overhead crane and moving it over to the painting area. To operate one of these cranes requires skill and precision, and often times companies will require the person to be certified. IMM was in need of a certified mobile crane operator to perform this job and reached out to Michigan Works for training assistance.

Workforce Solution

IMM initially wanted to use the Skilled Trades Training Fund for this training, but the application period had ended, so they worked with Michigan Works! to find another solution. They found Incumbent Worker Training to be a good fit. Through the Incumbent Worker Training fund program, Michigan Works applied for funding, and was granted $2,500 of the $4,000 training cost to send IMM employee Jacob Robinson to training in Florida.

Outcomes & Benefits

Jacob did extremely well in the training and is now able to apply the skills he learned in his position at IMM. The company is very pleased with his performance and during times when he is operating the crane, his pay has increased several dollars per hour because he is now a certified Mobile Crane Operator.

Sandy Moody, IMM HR Manager said, “Jacob is doing great at IMM and we feel the training he received through Michigan Works! was extremely valuable to his own success and IMM’s.”
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