Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Coastal Counties Workforce, Inc.
Workforce Challenge
Heather came into our program through a referral from networking while out job searching. She had done a lot of child care jobs but was interested in helping the community. She had transportation barriers that affected her finding employment.
Workforce Solution
Through the Youth Program, Heather was set up with a part-time paid work experience at Rippling Waters, where she began to learn how to cultivate and harvest organic vegetables. The transportation barrier was no longer an issue due to the location of the farm and WIA-provided assistance with gas cards. While working, she attended college in pursuit of a Bachelors degree.
Outcomes & Benefits
Heather met all of her work goals and was hired by Moody’s Nursery in Saco. She used the hands-on training and knowledge from Rippling Waters to obtain full time employment. Heather currently has joined AmeriCorps and used all of her networking and past work experience to create community-based projects in York County. She is assisting with Employment Counseling and the Mentoring Program GoodGuides within Goodwill. She has been an asset working with youth and creating community projects. Congratulations, Heather!