Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Northwest Colorado Workforce Centers
Workforce Challenge
Fatima was a senior in high school and had tried the CareerWise program in its inaugural year in Eagle County. She withdrew from CareerWise. She was referred to and enrolled as a Youth participant with the Frisco Workforce Center.
Workforce Solution
Fatima completed a 200 hour work experience through the Workforce Center with MIRA (Mobile Intercultural Resource Alliance) The MIRA RV is a rolling clearinghouse for services available in Eagle County. Examples include basic health education and screenings, application support for public assistance programs, food resources, workforce development, early-childhood education coordination and physical activity programming.
Outcomes & Benefits
Fatima graduated high school and has since been hired by MIRA. This email was received from Melina of the MIRA bus. "I am taking the opportunity to thank you for the great work you do. You both work on having Fatima as Intern at the MIRA Resource Bus and we truly enjoyed her company and her work. I could see her grow and interest tremendously improving throughout these months. I wanted to share with you this picture and tell you that I appreciated the chance you give us and Fatima.