Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Hunt Valley Workforce Development Center
Workforce Challenge
Doug came to the Hunt Valley AJC with a bachelors degree from JHU and previous training in project management along with a security clearance and more than 10 years of experience as a Program Manager. However, since facing significant personal issues in 2010, he has been working part time and seasonally in janitorial and landscaping jobs to keep a roof over his head. He came in seeking assistance with career planning to determine what steps he should take toward more stable and sustainable employment.
Workforce Solution
Andrea, Career Consultant, worked with Doug on his resumé and other basic job readiness strategies. The most significant and powerful conversations they had were about his career goals. They discussed different options including pursuing his PMP credential to get back into a Program Management position as well as a total career shift into Addictions Counseling. Doug had a passion for Addictions Counseling and participated as a volunteer in several mentoring programs as well as regular support meetings. Doug spoke with training providers about the PMP credential and met with CCBC to explore their Addictions Counseling certification (credit) program. The Workforce Development Center provided information, support, and resources, as well as a became a sounding board.
Outcomes & Benefits
Doug chose to pursue the Addictions Counseling program at CCBC and has earned A’s in his first two classes. His story is unconventional because the services provided led him on a path away from WIOA-funding and immediate employment. However, the career planning guidance and resources provided helped Doug to make decisions for his long term career happiness. He has a strong sense of purpose and increased confidence in his direction and specific plans for his career path.