Meet Dawn

Minnesota - Meet Dawn

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: South Central WorkForce Council

Workforce Challenge

Dawn had worked as a Home Health Aide through the local hospital for 12 years when they closed that department and eliminated her position. Dawn enjoyed working with and helping people; however, she had recent medical restrictions that would limit her standing for work. She knew she would need to re-train in order to find new employment.

Workforce Solution

Dawn came to the South Central Workforce Council where the staff helped her explore opportunities for needed retraining. During the assessment the job counselor learned that Dawn had been trained in cosmetology but her license had lapsed. 

Dawn communicated with a local salon about nail technician opportunities. This occupation would allow Dawn to sit as opposed to stand while she worked and also would allow her to serve people and have face-to-face contact. The owner of the salon saw a need for a nail tech especially one focusing on artificial nails. To become a nail tech Dawn completed a license re-activation course of 155 hours which was approved and funded under the Dislocated Worker Program.

Outcomes & Benefits

After reinstating her cosmetology license, Dawn was offered a position at a local salon doing manicures, pedicures and artificial nails. She is now back at work and able to be comfortable as well as help others.
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