Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Workforce Solutions Alamo
Workforce Challenge
Bettye had been employed for four years as a medical insurance claims processor when she became unemployed as the result of a large layoff at the company. As a dislocated worker, Bettye came to Workforce Solutions Alamo for assistance in April 2010.
Workforce Solution
Bettye started primarily as a job seeker, and then she became a student partly funded by WIA program. She used Workforce Solutions Alamo to look for guidance regarding employment referrals and the possibility of any financial assistance. On August 2, 2010 Bettye entered Galen College of Nursing. While getting her education, she took advantage of multiple support services available to overcome any barriers to completing her education: mortgage assistance, car repair, and utility assistance are some of them.
In July 2011, Bettye completed her training with all A's. During this time she was extremely committed to her education and only missed 9 hours of class time.
Outcomes & Benefits
As of October, 2011, Bettye was employed by Silver Creek Manor, working 40 hours a week as an LVN. She has decided to continue her education and pursue her RN degree to boost her earning potential. Workforce Solutions Alamo Program Techs will be following up with Bettye on a monthly basis throughout the year, just in case she comes across any barriers.
The local ABC affiliate found her story to be a successful one and profiled her in February 2012.