Meet Barry

Minnesota - Meet Barry

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: South Central WorkForce Council

Workforce Challenge

Barry worked as a heavy machine operator and heavy equipment maintenance technician with a road construction company for nine years. When the struggling company was sold and the new owners decided to make cuts, Barry found himself unemployed. He searched for work for over a year while receiving unemployment insurance.

Workforce Solution

Barry visited the Fairmont Workforce Center where he was provided information about resources that could assist him with his job search. Barry was a permanent layoff and was eligible for services under the Dislocated Worker Program. After telling him about the program and his options it was decided that a good fit for him would be the On-The-Job (OJT) Training program. 

Graham Tire, a local auto repair/tire sales company, had a vacancy for an Auto Service Technician. Barry did not have all the skills needed, but with the OJT program, he would learn the new skills while on the job. The Center and employer negotiated a contract, and Barry began work. The employer was reimbursed for half of the wages during his training period.

Outcomes & Benefits

At the end of the OJT the employer thanked the Fairmont Workforce Center for the opportunity to benefit from the OJT program. They were very pleased with Barry and shared that they wished they could have ten people just like him to work for them. 

"I have had the pleasure to follow up with Barry and he is so happy with his job and likes the people he works with," his counselor said. Congratulations, Barry!
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