Meet Amanda

North Carolina - Meet Amanda

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board

Workforce Challenge

In 2009, Amanda found herself suffering from an addiction. She lost her job and became homeless, living in her car, with her two children. She struggled with the addiction for two years, but her faith in God helped her have the strength to change. September 9, 2011, was the last time Amanda did drugs.

Workforce Solution

Amanda came to Morehead City, NC, through a program called Hope Recovery. She met Eric Mayhew, an employee of Carteret Community College, and he referred Amanda to the WIA Adult Program. There, Amanda met Wanda Glosson, WIA Adult Case Manager, who helped her identify a training program that would lead her to self sufficiency. Amanda entered training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).

Outcomes & Benefits

Amanda was hired in April 2013 as a Certified Nursing Assistant with In Touch Home Care in Morehead City. For Amanda and her children, this was the opportunity she needed. Amanda credits the WIA Adult Program for giving her a second chance at life.
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