Meet Adele

Maryland - Meet Adele

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Hunt Valley Workforce Development Center

Workforce Challenge

Adele engaged with the Hunt Valley American Job Centers (AJC) after applying for Unemployment Insurance Benefits and attending a RESEA workshop at the Eastpoint AJC. After nine years as a Financial Planner and Client Services Director, she was laid off.

Workforce Solution

Adele attended the Resume & Cover Letter Strategies workshop and learned more about the WIOA program from the facilitator. She used Basic Career Services and worked with staff to update her résumé. LMI and career planning strategies were used to assess Adele’s interest in a career change to human resources (HR). Adele took on a number of HR responsibilities in her last job and really enjoyed them. She and her Career Consultant, Andrea, explored training options and employment opportunities in the field as part of the career planning process. Their exploration made clear that without experience in the field, a career change to HR would be challenging. Adele had a number of interviews for finance positions and had two offers.

Outcomes & Benefits

Adele accepted a position as an Associate Director at a local finance company, which was able to exceed the salary she was earning at her most recent position and provide excellent benefits such as a supportive company culture. The hours and commute would also work well. Adele is looking forward to returning to work in a comparable position. This position also offers her some strong networking contacts with the formal Human Resources Department in her company.
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