Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Capital Workforce Partners
Workforce Challenge
Hartford Hospital must train workers with basic and technical skills as the healthcare system evolves. It’s a big challenge to train medical billers and coders to use new electronic systems required by regulations.
Leticia Colon, Operational Manager of Learning and Organizational Development reached out to Capital Workforce Partners (North Central Connecticut’s Workforce Investment Board), to assist with training and development of hundreds of employees in terminology and processes.
Workforce Solution
Capital Workforce helped develop ESL, Math, Grammar, Computer literacy skills training and a college preparatory program, Your Educational Success (YES) for Hartford. In 2010, over 40 employees attended onsite college classes taught by Capital Community College in Hartford, CT, and 15 others finished Math courses to prepare for the college Accuplacer.
Outcomes & Benefits
By March 2011, 100 employees had completed computer training, and last year and 9 students completed YES as first-time college students. By the end of 2011, 16 students were enrolled (14 are first-time students) and 2 will go on to complete Associate degrees.
Capital Workforce Partners is now planning training programs to help the medical office and coding staff to complete a health record system conversion and meet 2012 standards.
Colon said, "These trainees would not have the opportunity to enroll in college-level courses without the workforce investment funding (WIA) that got this program off the ground."