A Strong Partnership

Connecticut - A Strong Partnership

Workforce Success Story Submitted By: Capital Workforce Partners

Workforce Challenge

A workforce investment board must work smarter to make scarce workforce system dollars “work harder” for local businesses. What helps Capital Workforce Partners, North Central Connecticut’s Workforce Investment Board, are business-driven, targeted strategies that are integrated across private and public institutions and industry. It can begin by partnering with a business and performing for them.

Workforce Solution

To quickly recruit relevant, quality job candidates for the 360 Federal Credit Union in Windsor Locks, CT , the Business Services team at Capital Workforce Partners developed flyers and drew upon its exceptional 627 member network of colleges, individual contacts and organizations to find the right candidates to fill the positions.

In return, the Credit Union, along with several firms, colleges, and agencies helped with a Career Exploration Expo designed for ARRA/WIA-funded Summer Youth Employment Program participants. 

The Summer program featured Capital Workforce Partners’ Career Competencies System of work readiness training, developed through coordination with business and education partners. 

Outcomes & Benefits

Through the same funding stream, the center assisted several workforce stakeholders: the credit union got pre-qualified adult candidates and youth were exposed to careers in banking and finance.

Career Expo attendees practiced networking and interviewing, and several had follow-up interviews with exhibitors. The participating youth were exposed to a variety of jobs and career paths, making the Career Expo a success.
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